Saturday, 24 March 2012

New arrival...

Our friend Jo has officially moved into our flat! Should be an interesting move as it's the first time since uni that I've lived with someone else other than Tom, and the first time he's ever had a housemate. Also having a third way of splitting the rent and bills will be real help for us.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Diary and internet

Just musing after Tom found an old notebook of mine with mostly "socialist rants" written in it...! Got me thinking that a few years ago, if you wanted to write down your thoughts you would maybe keep a journal/ diary and only share what you wanted with people.

Now with the internet and social media/ blogging any idiot can write and stupid thing and publish it for everyone to see without thinking about it.

Yeah I know the implications on myself here...

But without the ability to make split-second decisions about whether to say exactly what you think, or publish something riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes, we wouldn't be able to feel superior in our abilities. I mean two things: 1) our ability to communicate in English (or whichever language); and 2) our ability to consider some thought before we hit the 'Publish' button and risk showing everyone how wise/ stupid we are.

That's it; no superior message this evening!

For a laugh, consider having a look at and

Friday, 2 March 2012

Stop Giving Me Choices?

There a great song by a band called the Hoosiers (what are they up to these days?) called Choices; the chorus is essentially the line "Stop giving me choices" repeated. This morning the confusion of choice is making me frown and ponder and suchlike.

I may potentially have some choices ahead of me but no matter how much you wait and think about the moment you get the options, it's never as simple as you'd hoped.

In my case suddenly there are several potential things in the mix which have all happened at once and now I'm having to make quick decisions and put things into place and get out of my comfort zone. It's a strange part of life that even in situations we get into that we may not be happy about, there is a certain amount of reliability and routine about them which we get used to. So, when we are faced with a sudden jolt of actual, real choice of having to stop doing things one way and go with another and very different one, it can be difficult. As goes the old cliché "better the devil you know". Or should you follow the philosophy of taking a chance of making something better?

I guess the logical thing to do is to seriously consider and list all the pros and cons of a situation to clearly establish whether the move works in certain ways of your life. At least then you can actually look at the points and not just mull over them internally.

Making a decision you regret is a horrible thing to live with, but at the same time you really cannot know how the situation is until you go into it. Unfortunately there is no 'reset' function in life and you have to deal with the consequences whichever way you choose to go. 

Just before I began to write this a painfully simple thought came to me: pray. How obvious is that? I know whichever decision I make will be the way I go (whether 'right' or 'wrong') and it will all work out eventually and God will guide me home. There have been some routes in my life I wish had not been taken but they are part of the bigger tangle of my journey, and regardless of how they went I have gained something from them - even if it is just the confirmation that I would never want to be in that situation again!

Some come to mind more clearly than others...