Thursday, 26 April 2012

Nearly End of April

Jo has been living with us for a month now and it's going extremely well for all of us. Despite my initial reservations of having another person living with us, everyone has settled in nicely and we seem to have worked a routine around most things (such as mornings). She tidies and cleans without being asked, too!

One big practical thing we had to was clear out the spare room and find a place for all the stuff we'd shoved in there over the year and a bit. This prompted a large clear out of that room, our bedroom, and some of the stuff from the living room. I absolutely hate doing stuff like this because it's one of those jobs that turns out to take AGES and it dawns on you after about an hour that this job is bigger than you had anticipated. So I rearranged all the drawers and wardrobe space in our room, found a load of stuff to throw away and things to take to the charity shop, and somehow Jo's room became a lovely, neat bedroom.

The mountain bike is now in our bedroom though, much to my irritation.

It's also been a stressful period in regards to work for some of us (Tom's job is going from strength to strength, lucky boy!) as Jo's team are a bit low on numbers and as we do pretty much the same job but in different places, I know some of how she's feeling. But hopefully things will start to work themselves out more with each of us and employment, though there's no news on the horizon for change.

One thing I am looking forward to in the near future is my sister's wedding in June. It seems most things are in place though as I'm not around her much of the time I have no idea how much planning and setting they have actually done. I know that some people create massively complex days for themselves, and some people have simple days without much fuss. I think there's will be a combination of the two as Michelle is very creative with whatever brief you give her. It's so weird to think my little sister is 1) getting married, and 2) getting married before me! But she's eclipsed me in most areas of life by now at the grand old age of 21 so as a big sister I'm used to it...!

Another thing this month threw at us was the Spring Cold. I succumbed to it first, with a sore throat, achy chest, coughing, sneezing... and ended up having a day sick from work as I just felt rubbish. About a week later Tom finally got it too and now Jo's feeling it creeping on her. I'm getting the blame for this one which in turn I point to my workmate maliciously giving it to me (that's how colds work, right?)

And a final news item: Tom's stepdad Shaun ran the London Marathon last weekend, and made a time of approx 3 hours 30 mins - staggeringly fast! He was raising money for Sense; a charity helping people who are deaf/ blind. His JustGiving page is still up and running (pun not intended) so please visit and donate accordingly:

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Brief Update

Our internets have been slow recently (prob in part due to now having a third person using it) so not had as much opportunity to be on here. I'll write more soon.

Today's adventure was to the zoo!!! Bristol Zoo Gardens to be precise. Not been there before but it was much fun :) Now unwinding (and possibly rewinding) with a chilled out night in with Asti.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Relationships are tricky...

In life we have so many different relationships with people that it can get confusing and difficult at times.

The obvious relationships, such as family or partners are often clear-cut boundaries where the mere existence or an agreement shapes it and makes it official. But when things aren't as clear, it gets confusing.

As Christians we try to maintain a relationship with God. It is arguably the easiest and hardest thing to do because on the one hand, God is accessible any time and anywhere. We are called to pray as often as possible about everything; nothing is too small or impossible. But on the other, human hand, we are lazy creatures. It can be difficult to motivate yourself if things aren't going too well or we don't see the results we are after as we want them.

But that's where faith comes into it. We are told that God will hear us, even when we cannot see or hear Him, and that His timing is not always our timing. We want things NOW all the time, but God's plan will be done as He decides. We just need faith to believe He will not leave us and we need patience.

But with people things aren't always simple. We need to be patient without knowing that the other person has things in control because they too are only human. Sometimes things can be too hard in the situation and we make mistakes and hurt people. Sometimes we are hurt without it being our fault.

We then need patience with life to know that things will, in time, get better. But sadly there is no quick way of speeding that up. It's not a lesson learned easily but a time to pass.