Thursday, 10 January 2013


Each morning I get the bus into work, and am quite enjoying this new routine. I'm perfecting the art of rolling out of bed and leaving the house in 15 mins, and getting breakfast at work. It's nice to feel a bit comfortable, especially as I hate getting up.

Recently I feel as though I can see myself thinking and then the thoughts slipping away, and I'm left retracing my train of thought, usually to something important with a lot of other fluff surrounding it. Such as, "I need to text that person, there is a dog in that field, I had a dream about my sister's dog, I was playing on a game with dogs in it, I wish I was at home again... who did I need to speak to about what?"

Work is going well at the moment. I had a bit a blip last week, and we had a bad day each at home so none of us were having any luck with things, but my role is changing slightly and now I know what I'll be doing I'm happier. Part of me is still a bit baffled by my job, it not seeming normal on paper that I'm working in an office dealing with car warranties, but I'm getting used to it. I get to sit in a (usually) warm office, drink tea, get on with the pile of work in front of me, and go home on time without having to wear a uniform or try and sell anything.

I'm also trying to have more of an "attitude of gratitude", despite the cliche. I'm realising how blessed and fortunate I am; a place to live that I love (even if it gets messy!) food, water, electricity, contact with people, a lovely little church down the road, and of course a loving fiance and wonderful family. Last Friday I spent some time with a few close friends and again just felt so happy to have them here with me, that they actually wanted to be around and enjoy each others' company. What a wonderful feeling.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Survived the holidays!

Ah, new year. Well our Christmas didn't quite to plan as my mum got rather poorly with what seems to be a nasty cold/ flu thing, so my dad popped up on Christmas day to deliver presents and a turkey crown, to go home to look after mum, to then end up ill too!

Boxing day we had another Christmas day with Tom's family which was mainly filled with music trivia and me looking like an overgrown toddler in my new onesie! Even Tom was taken with it, despite him hating them...!

80s themed disco at the same pub we are having our reception at later this year (eek!) with Tom's parents, which was a great laugh.

Back to reality though...