Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Work vs Benefits

After a brief discussion at work the other day, we were debating about government benefits and when it's right to have help and when you need to draw the line. In all honesty I have little experience with the whole financial benefit system and most people I know haven't either, so it's not fair for me to have overarching opinions on the whole thing.

But, hey, it's my blog.

We all know we have to work for a living, or failing that have someone rich to pay for everything for you. The idea is that you start dependent and work your way to providing for yourself. But why are there those who can't, or won't provide for themselves? Is it to do with upbringing? But if it is then what about those whose parents worked hard but they don't?

As far as I can (arguably naively) see, the idea of the benefits system is to help those who have fallen on hard times to get back to a self-sufficient place. The sad fact is that there are people who feel they are entitled to have money for nothing, regardless of the cost to other people. This is the apex of the negative label of 'benefits'.

I'd argue that you can rightly hate the fact some people will take advantage of the system put in place to aid them; those who have never worked and instead have a comfortable lifestyle without having to work for it. But what about the grey areas between?

Example: those who are on some kind of allowance which gives them money towards the necessities of life  but instead of using the amount to cover the complete cost, they pick a luxury option as they can afford the rest now part of it has been paid for.

Better analogy: someone needs shoes, they do not earn enough money so the government help them out and give them £30 to help afford them, instead of picking the £30 shoes, or even the £40 option, they opt for the designer £150 option which they prefer despite all shoes perform the same and do the same job. Is that moral?

IMO: No. We are all constricted by our means. I cannot afford all the nice shiny things I would like. We are tied to what we can afford. That's alright, it's how it is. But why am I having to foot the bill for those too selfish and lazy to do the same? If you need help for a while, that's fine, life can be harsh and everyone is entitled to some help. But don't get lazy and misguidedly forget your HELP and entitlement is only there because other people pay for it and your government does not want people to get too stuck.

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