Sunday, 27 March 2011

Bloody hard work

Title sounds very British...

Relationships are exhausting. They are the fundamental connection all human beings make in life, in every way, but to sustain a good one you need to work hard. I think that is where people tend to struggle with each other.

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone where you have run out of things to say to each other? I think I've been in that situation a few times and it's not a comfortable one. Losing interest in someone can be heartbreaking when it is a very close relationship. 

The relationships where the love is life-long and unconditional (ie: family) I feel you can enjoy the silence when there are pauses in communication. But not everyone works like that. 

Friends and romantic relationships often require more effort. But is it always worth it?

There is much to be said about sharing ideas and interests with the one person you are close with; discussions, b
debates and decisions tend to be easier that way. So trying to bond with someone who finds the most boring crap totally fascinating, who disagrees with your views, and has different personality traits might be a bit too hard. Sure, the start might be fun and interesting, but once the novelty wears off will it work?

If it is worth it, then yes. But, sometimes we need to accept that if the future of a relationship is going in wildly different directions for the individuals then it may be kinder to end it before getting more tangled.

That's not to say we should just give up at the first hurdle and throw everything away. Relationships are about the special bond between 2 people; about caring and loving, about rowing and disagreeing, about reconciling and determination. And fun. There must always be some fun and laughter!

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