Tom and I did something different last night, we went on an Alpha course. A few years ago I wouldn't have thought it relevant to my life, purely as it's aimed for those who want an introduction to Christianity, and I wouldn't class myself in that area.
However in recent times it's become so apparent that I need more of God in my life than I have been getting, and was eager to join a new group and see if I could 'start afresh' and break in to a new group of people and become part of something bigger again. I also wanted Tom to come along and see my faith in action, as he's not been to a Christian meeting like that with me before, and for him to be able to ask more knowledgeable people questions as I cannot always answer them.
I had a brilliant evening! We were fed, made welcome, were given an informal talk, and had a chance to chat to everyone at the pub afterwards. Tom and I ended up talking to a lovely lady called Gabby who is training to be a vicar with the church, and she said how much she enjoyed talking to us as we both were partaking in a very energetic discussion! I hadn't seen Tom so animated in this kind of setting before.
I very much look forward to returning next week!
Another new thing recently discovered is that our bearded dragon seems to have changed his mind about water. He used to absolutely hate getting wet; bathing was a bit of a nightmare as he would have a small fit about it and that made things tricky. However he seems to be enjoying it more, and I braved putting him in the bathtub. Before we've used a sandwich box in the kitchen, but he's outgrown them! After a moment of sitting on his 'rock' (aquarium ornament) in the bath, he decided to have a splash about in the inch or so of water. Seeing as he didn't bother trying to get back out he obviously liked it! And he was cleaner afterwards.
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