Monday, 6 June 2011

I have a new pet!

Despite having three lizards already, last week I decided to get another one. The problem with having an exotic pet is that whenever you go anywhere like a zoo you see all the resident animals as potential future pets! When we went to the Costwold Wildlife Park a few weeks ago I saw a couple of Egyptian uromastyx (spiny-tailed lizards). I'd seen some before in a pet shop so they were familiar but one at the park were very spritely and active and even though they are really ugly they are ugly in a cute way!

Someone on was advertising a baby uromastyx and all the kit for it as they were moving and couldn't take it with them. After a bit of a trek with my parents on Saturday, we now have a new little lizard in our collection! The thing I can't get over is how small he actually is; at only 5ish months old he's only about 3 inches long. Turns out they grow quite slowly, and having only seen adult specimens it was hard to tell from the photo how diddy he is.

We're not sure if it's a boy or girl yet (too young and small to tell) and we haven't decided on a name for 'him' but I'm so happy with him! Since Tom picked and bought the other three, it's nice to have one which is technically my own (though obviously we both look after all of them.)

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