Yesterday I took our leopard geckos Sonny and Luna to a reptile shop in Gloucester. It was a hard decision but we'd eventually decided we wanted to get them a new home.
They aren't exactly the hardest pets in the world, but because they are quite basic in terms of intelligence and instinct they will never love attention and interacting like, for example, a dog or cat does. We'd 'tamed' them to tolerate being handled as much as we could so they would allow us to touch them without biting us (most of the time!) but it still stressed them slightly.
Also, as we'd accidentally put a male and female together they have become a breeding pair and now Sonny lays eggs every few weeks. We simply don't have the equipment or space to be able to incubate and hatch any eggs, then there's the hassle of selling the babies (who naturally have foul tempers and get stressed easily).
So we made the hard decision to see if someone would take them off our hands and offer them a better life. We certainly weren't neglecting them or anything horrible, we just think a more experienced breeder might be able to make better use of them, and they could add another female to the group and use Luna's albino colouring for mating and mixing certain colours and patterns.
As I mentioned, they aren't too intelligent or emotional (even as mates they still have no regard for the other and will literally walk all over them) so I don't think they are missing us, just getting used to a new location for the time being. The shop looked fantastic and they will keep them together and hatch some of their babies, so we're happy we've done the right thing.
Let this be a lesson to really think about the consequences before obtaining life of any kind.
On a happier note, we still have Rusty the bearded dragon and Douglas the uromastyx at home. At this present moment Rusty is wondering about the living room floor exploring/ looking for trouble. He seems quite content, which is all that matters when it comes to these little guys.
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