Sunday, 9 October 2011

Contentment and beans

THEORY: In life we seek certain things: food, shelter, community, safety.

When all of these things are assured we should therefore be content. But if you look around, we're not.

Thus, if we were to make some of the things we needed more restricted or threatened (eg war, rationing etc) then would we learn to be happier? Could we become more content on less? Is it greed that blocks us from achieving satisfaction?

EXAMPLE: Think about it like this, if you please: when you go to a supermarket for a tin of beans, there are several options available to you in the form of expense/ quality. There are standard own-brand beans, branded beans, cheap 'value' beans, fancy beans, different brand of beans... now they are all beans. Yes there may be some variation in the quality of them, but they've all passed the standard to be allowed to be sold to us as beans.

Personally, I prefer Heinz brand.

Now let us remove all but one type of beans. Bang, there goes your choice.

There would be no more competition for bean brand; between people buying the more expensive brand vs. the cheaper brand. The misery of having to buy the cheap beans rather than having the wealth and opulence to afford the very best [see opinion above] is removed. Assuming there is some misery to buying beans.

Beans aside, my point and principle is that by giving us choices and divisions based on supplying us with things that we need based on the money we have is a possible cause of losing happiness. I would hope that if the world's bean supply was suddenly restricted and thus distributed by one organisation then we would just be grateful for being able to still have beans.

1 comment:

Toni Ertl said...

People often do pull together (at least, they have in this country) during a crisis, yet freely bitch & moan when there's no struggle. It makes me wonder a little if this is part of the design to help us survive strife and difficulty, and to a degree, the way people fail to deal well with plenty (greed aside).

As for beans, I normally buy 'own brand' jobs. Parp.