Tom had an operation last Saturday and is at home recovering. Through the recovery though is a lot of pain, discomfort, anxiety and frustration. At the moment his body is not working properly as it tries to right itself after a big interruption to the norm. Hopefully in a few weeks the pain will have eased off and most of the healing will have occurred. Obviously it may take months for him to regain his original level of fitness and strength but only waiting will make it happen.
Actually a fairly accurate representation of the general mood right now.
Also he is looking for work but currently cannot attend any interviews until he is physically strong enough to get back on his feet and go out alone.
Due to all of this money is (as usual) very tight, with this month having some grace from family to help us cover all the bases. There's always some small financial thing that pops up we have forgotten about like a phone bill, so parents helping us is much appreciated.
Seems we're in the same situation as a lot of people; young, in the wrong work positions, low income, independently living a very non-extravagant lifestyle but the money just about covers things. This month I cannot afford to have any driving lessons, and with all the stress of the last few weeks I've barely speculated doing my theory. Lack of regularity with this sort of thing makes progress frustratingly slow and so I am struggling to see myself behind a wheel unsupervised in the realistic future. [Not that we have a car to drive any more.]
Yet somehow I cannot totally lose hope. There is a promise somewhere that things will improve. Things are tough everywhere at the moment in terms of economy and profession. I'm part of a qualified but inexperienced generation who grew up with big ideas and have had them squashed.
Forget the practical problems for a moment though; I know that one day things in all parts of our lives will be better. A lot better.
I have faith in that. But need the strength and patience to get to that point whenever it arrives.
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