Monday, 5 December 2011

This time of year again

I am a bit of a Scrooge, I won't lie. It's a bit weird trying to explain to people how that as a Christian I don't like the celebration, but it's the commercialism I despise.

Christmas is on Dec 25th, not October or November. I refuse to follow the trend of having to spend a load of money on crap that you wouldn't dream of buying any other time of the year. Retailers rack in a huge profit (or not?) and then people queue up to get everything they didn't receive in the Boxing Day sales.

If you mention things like Jesus or going to Church on Christmas Day people seem to lose interest. Many people seem to have completely detached the Christian celebration from the orgy of food and gifts.

I also want to suck out more of the fun by pointing out that a lot of the rituals surrounding Christmas (including the time of year) were pagan in origin! I know that when the Christians came over they basically told the native pagans that they were taking their New Year/ Yule (I forget which though no doubt someone out there may correct me) and turning it into the birthday of their saviour.

Whilst the topic of 'invasion'/ missionaries etc. can be left for another day, my point still stands that Christmas has been ruined by the commercial and consumerist nature of the modern world in this country.

This year I shall be spending the day with Tom at home, eating food and playing games and trying to enjoy the day itself rather than have planned meticulously for weeks in advance and spend money I really don't have!

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