Monday, 23 January 2012

Peaceful morning

It's 11.34am and I'm still in bed! But not in a bad way. It's my day off and Tom's gone out to carry on making his Saxon clothing at his mentor's house. Before he left he brought me a coffee and poptart on request then we read the news/ looked at someone's bird photos on Tumblr together. Since then I've done the online shopping and only had to get up to grab my purse from the living room!

Decided to take a few mins whilst I had the peace and motivation to play some songs and pray to God, something I haven't done 'properly' in while. Though I pray a lot, it's mostly one-way traffic with me talking and not listening. It was nice to have some time away from distraction to listen to worship music and just wait in peace to hear anything He said.

There's an old joke about the man whose house was flooding and although two people came past and offered him a place in their boats and one in a helicopter, he replied each time "Don't worry, God will save me!" The man then drowns and goes to heaven. There he asks God, "Why didn't you save me?" God replies, "I sent you two lifeboats and a helicopter, what more did you want?!"

Terrible jokes aside, though I know that you have to actually make the effort to provoke change in life, God expects you to exercise common sense (a blessing often overlooked by some people!) Sometimes He also wants you to wait in a situation instead of rushing off. We all want things NOW in life, regardless of whether it's the right time or not.

So whilst I don't think spending all day at home with the curtains drawn and your fingers in your ears saying "If God wants me to have a job He'll show me!" is the right path to take, likewise perhaps in our position grabbing the nearest thing that is plausible and possible, but perhaps not quite right, is unwise.

Thus whenever Tom has been in touch about a job but declined it (this has been on maybe only two occasions) his reasons of refusal make more sense than the jump to accept anything - for example the jobs he applied for turned out to only be temporary in a town some miles away that with the pay he would be spending more money getting there and back than actually bringing in for home. You don't always get given these details in the adverts so he wouldn't have known until someone got in touch with him.

God will provide, but keep your eyes open.

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