Monday, 27 August 2012

Being an educated snob

My new job is going well so far. Though it is mainly data entry and I'm still learning as I go it is doing me good being in a new job and out of the old one.

Apart from working I have been ploughing through the Game of Thrones books (now onto the fourth, or the second part of the third book if you're feeling pedantic) and am impatiently waiting for the TV series to catch up and be released in the UK. I like the rich elements of story with the characters, and also there are dragons!

The funny thing is I have grown to assume everyone reads or has interests in the world etc. and I forget that's not the case. Whenever I meet new people and find they have a devotion to things I cannot begin to care about I end up finding it a bit strange - football, sex, drinking fifteen pints in one night etc. I can't help but wonder when I sit there and try and explain that I like reading and current affairs and socialism and ethics, not interested in going out much because it gets tedious... do I come across as a snob?

Like does tend to attract like, so we end up surrounding ourselves with people who revolve around similar things, so I can find it a bit difficult when we have to face other individuals who are so different in their views and lifestyles. It can make us uncomfortable and awkward. 

Not sure what the answer is. Patience, tolerance, acceptance seem the likely candidates though.

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