Thursday, 26 July 2012

Grace and Gratitude!

After that last self-pitying post things have turned around in record time with great results.

1) Interview went well. Very well. I have a new job! Will be doing admin in the same office as Tom from next week. So call off the job hunt! It's a huge relief in many ways; it's never a nice feeling to know you may be unemployed for an indefinite amount of time for one, and Tom was really bigging up this job so the more I heard, the more I wanted it.

Picture subject related, context unrelated.

2) Finished at old job yesterday. I have been looking forward to that day for so, SO long! It hit me when I was in bed last night that I actually managed to survive my time there. Many times over the last year I had to really fight with myself to not just hand in my notice, or worse, just walk out. To just focus on counting down the days and get through it was great! I spent most of my time there stressed out, talked down on, trying to use methods which made tasks harder, and demotivated by those meant to help and encourage us. Events surrounding things like Tom's operation, the infamous funeral affair [not Tom's, obviously!], and lots of occasions involving handling customers have hugely marred my time at the company and really made me resentful and unhappy. So now my time there has finished, I am never working there again, and that makes me so damn happy and grateful that God's timing has been amazing: I had the admin interview Monday, got accepted on Tuesday, and finished at my old job Weds!

I was in such a motivated mood when I got home last night that I actually got stuck into some housework and got the place looking like a flat again before Tom made dinner and we cracked open some Asti! Usually I get home, sit down, and only move to either feed myself or go to bed. Hopefully being happier will mean I have more energy.

3) Toenail is still attached! It's cracked but not infected or sore except for when I stub it against the coffee table. Only concern is that when we go on holiday to Wales in a week we'll be on the beach, and I'm considering getting a swimming sock to keep it clean. I just can't look cool.

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