Ok, that's rubbish. We tease Jo for having hairbrushes everywhere and fretting about everything from eyebrows, hair colour and wrinkles (she's 24). But it shows how in this society emphasis is so heavily placed on appearance, almost over everything else. Even a strong woman like Jo finds herself under pressure to have a certain standard of appearance.
Me? I'm a slob.
This wasn't exactly a posed picture
Ok so maybe not a total slob but I have a few ways of wearing my hair: tied up or down. Straightening is for special occasions and I can't do anything more adventurous than that by myself. I tend to wear a bit of make up at work to help look more awake, but I certainly can't be bothered with wearing it on a daily basis.
In part this is Tom's influence of not caring too much about others' opinions, especially if you don't think they matter really. And as he loves me how I am, that's good enough for me.
Don't get me wrong, it is nice to make an effort and dress up now and again, but if you do it all the time I think you get a bit obsessed with your appearance. It's easy to forget how to be natural and relax. Also, if you look like that all the time how can you look better on a special occasion?
I give up...
You always looked fine to me, but I like women in tee shirts and jeans, preferably without makeup.
That's my usual style. Most of my jeans are too big at the moment so I really need to get some smaller ones. It's weird when my clothes actually fit me these days!
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