Monday, 17 September 2012

Musings throughout the day

I was thinking in a very loud internal narrative this morning as I walked to work. Not really about anything in particular, more the walk itself.

We all walk to and from work each day, each way being about 1.8 miles according to Google Maps (though that doesn't include the walk across the field by our building because Google can't do that). Each way takes about 30 mins or so, prob nearer 40 if you're an average-speed walker.

Thing is, much as I like having a bit of a walk, sometimes it gets a bit strenuous before a long day of work, and then the same on the return. Most of our route is comprised of a long main road from our bit of Cheltenham into the centre. It's deceptively long, and never fails to stun any locals when you say you walk in each day, but it's still only about a mile! Is that a fair walk? I don't know.

Thing is, when walking the morning commute, you start to notice regular happenings and some things that become habits. I always cross over at the same place along the main road. Why? Because it saves having to keep stopping at a load of driveways and sidestreets, and makes it easier to cross at the 5-exit roundabout. There's a garden with lovely flowers I always look forward to. Sometimes you see the same dog walkers and same foot-commuters going about their day.

There's also the morning annoyances.

School kids who have no idea of spacial awareness when it comes to sharing the pavement (usually the same ones who have scooters) and the parents who are apparently unaware that their little darlings are getting in people's way. Inconsiderate drivers who don't indicate (favourite hatred at the roundabout) or don't look before pulling out of a driveway. Dawdlers who take up the entire path and waddle s-l-o-w-l-y...

Anyway, my morning at work was extremely fuzzy - I felt really tired (probably from all the walking and weaving) and with some bits of my job being very repetitive, I could feel myself almost dozing off. Thankfully lunch and a coffee made the afternoon more bearable. The afternoon was an improvement and the mundane tasks finally got finished.

I got to thinking on my walk about a 'philosophy'/ perspective a counsellor once told me about. The idea is to focus on what you are doing at that very moment in time; in savouring and feeling everything right now instead of letting your thoughts wander. So I tried for a few moments; the noise of the cars, the feel of the wind, sweating inside my hoodie after a rigorous walk, the disappointingly soft leaves I stood on (too damp for crunchy leaves today). Not too sure it helped me in any way this morning but I wasn't really worrying or fretting about anything. I was tired. I had to get to work. I was just walking.

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