Monday, 10 September 2012

Random news

As I opened Blogspot the heavens have opened and the rain we've been threatened with all day has arrived. Luckily I am indoors for the remainder of the night and get to stay dry, but I am really putting off having a much-needed shower. Purely because I've sat down and don't want to have to get up or get wet (sigh).

Anyway, bad jokes aside, things are going ok at the moment. The job is alright, sometimes very repetitive and boring but I have to keep reminding myself of how it used to be at the old place and feel grateful. It's interestingly quiet a lot of the time as my role doesn't involve too much phone work (praise God!) and so the silent concentration from my desk is generally punctuated by clicks and taps of mouse and keyboard, and the usual "Bollocks" whenever something goes askew. My sugar consumption has really gone through the roof though; with teas and coffees and I have taken to keeping a packet of polos on my desk to munch on. I have ordered some gum in the shopping so maybe that'll help. I do hate going to the dentist...

Also we are planning wedding stuff with what I like to think of as good efficiency. However this is Tom and I so what we call progress most other people probably see as just starting something then having a rest. But we have some venues lined up to book for viewing as well as eventually sorting out the ceremony. There is a guest list in progress and the bridesmaids can still fight to the death to get the dress the winner wants (Chloe?)

I'm starting to adjust to having weekends back. It's lovely to have time to spend with Tom again, though the five-day chunk is still taking some getting used to. We get to do nice boring couply things together like wedding planning, lie-ins, and bathing the lizards. We also muse about the future; near and far. I still haven't convinced him about not picking our kids' names just yet, hopefully he'll relent a little when the time comes. (I got my way with the pets!)


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