Monday 19 March 2012

Diary and internet

Just musing after Tom found an old notebook of mine with mostly "socialist rants" written in it...! Got me thinking that a few years ago, if you wanted to write down your thoughts you would maybe keep a journal/ diary and only share what you wanted with people.

Now with the internet and social media/ blogging any idiot can write and stupid thing and publish it for everyone to see without thinking about it.

Yeah I know the implications on myself here...

But without the ability to make split-second decisions about whether to say exactly what you think, or publish something riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes, we wouldn't be able to feel superior in our abilities. I mean two things: 1) our ability to communicate in English (or whichever language); and 2) our ability to consider some thought before we hit the 'Publish' button and risk showing everyone how wise/ stupid we are.

That's it; no superior message this evening!

For a laugh, consider having a look at and

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