Sunday 13 February 2011

Update of life and some films

Apologies, not much has been going on lately. Work is good and Tom had the last week off work so I got to see  him more often than usual which was nice!

We finally made it to the cinema last weekend to see The King's Speech, definitely worth a watch! I'm not going to bother reviewing it, just say all the cast did a fantastic job and it was really well done.

Luna, our youngest leopard gecko has recently developed a new annoying habit of rearranging her tank at night. We have cheaply decked it out with mainly cardboard tubes for her to hide in (leopard geckos aren't too demanding when it comes to stimulation) and she seems to have figured out how to move everything around. And she's nocturnal. Tom's been bothered when trying to sleep as her tank is in the bedroom though apparently I've not noticed it, but we didn't figure she'd be this fussy! Little monster.

My sister and her boyfriend have become engaged! So we'll hopefully be able to go home for a celebration in a few weeks. I guess they'll want a present then, knowing her...

And as a final note, we caught Ferris Bueller's Day Off last night on TV. I'd heard it was good but never managed to see it, and I must say it's one of the best films I've ever seen! It was hilarious, and both Tom and I were cracking up at everything. I went to bed and woke up still grinning! Then sadly I walked to work in the rain...

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